DAY 6 - Christmas Countdown - Lavender Basil Lemonade


Day 6 of my christmas countdown is for all those lemonade fanatics out there, with a fragrant Lavender Basil Lemonade. Being non alcoholic this recipe is perfect for the whole family, and hits the sweet spot on a hot summers day. You can play around with the quantities of lemon juice, lavender, basil and honey to find the combination you like. Some people like it tart, others a bit sweeter, or more fragrant with additional lavender and basil.



Recipe by Half Baked Harvest


1 tbsp dried lavender
2 c water + additional 2 c water
¾ c fresh basil, roughly chopped 
1½ c freshly squeezed lemon juice
¼ – ½ c honey 

To Serve
soda water
fresh basil leaves
lavender flowers
lemon slices 







In a small saucepan bring the dried lavender and 2 cups water to a boil. Once the water is boiling remove from the heat and add the chopped basil, cover and steep for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile squeeze the lemon juice into a tall glass jug. Stir in the 1/3 c honey, followed by 2 cups water. Keep stirring until the honey has dissolved. Once the basil has steeped and cooled, strain the mixture into the jug with the lemon juice. Stir well and then taste. If the lemonade tastes sweet, add more water, if it tastes too tart add more honey 1 tablespoon at a time, until the lemonade is just right for you. Place in the fridge until well chilled.

To serve, pour the lemonade over a glass of crushed ice and top with soda water. Garnish with lavender, lemon slices and basil. 

Serves 6

All Images © Deborah Aspray - Motif Lifestyle Images Ltd 2019